Afghanistan Chaos
- President Biden gave the evacuation lead/operational control, not to the Military, but to the State Department
- All Evacuees had to go to one Airbase (Civilian), Kabul Airport
- We closed down a very defensible US Air Force Base (Bagram Airforce Base)
- Why didn’t we keep both opened?
- The DOD (Dept of Defense) stated that the handover of Bagram Air Force Base to the Taliban was “Ill-Advised and a Tactical Mistake” (2021)
- This gave one focal point for the Al Qaida/Taliban Terrorists to attack.
- We had enough US and Allied Forces to keep the Taliban and Al-Qaida Terrorists at bay. Why didn’t we do this?
- Over 9,000 Americans were left behind in Afghanistan as per a Senate Foreign Relations Committee Report. Secretary of State (Antony Bllinken) originally stated that maybe 100-150 Americans may have been left behind. (2022)
- Private Organizations may have evacuated more Americans, but not in conjunction with the US Government.
- The State Department/US Embassy was slow to evacuate. They were being asked to evacuate only the day before major operations.
- An NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) stated that over 78,000 allies were left behind, and probably executed/or still in hiding after our departure.
- We (the United States) did not allow Special Forces to find Americans and help them escape. British and French Special forces were allowed by their countries.
- We abandoned over 84 Billion worth of Military Equipment to the Taliban.
- We have/had the Technology to have at least destroyed the equipment upon/during our evacuation. Why didn’t we use this technology? (Airborne Laser Technology)
- A US Army Investigation (2022) states that the Biden Administration was at fault for the Chaotic Withdrawal of Afghanistan.
- 13 More US Service personnel were killed during the evacuation. Why??
- Our Current US President (Biden) and the Democratic Party is Weak?
I am not saying that we should not have pulled out of Afghanistan. We did not have to do this by the Taliban Terms. I would have advocated for a more structured/ safer withdrawal.
- Would have cleared out civilians (Embassy/State Department Personnel) sooner than was done.
- Would have cleared out all in country Allies that helped us out over the last 20 year period before the general evacuation.
- Would have kept both Airbases open for evacuation.
- Would have allowed our Special Forces to find more American Civilians to save.
- Would not have kept to the Taliban TimeLine if it was not safe.
- I would have told the Taliban that if you “bother” our people while we are evacuating, we then won’t evacuate and we will stay, and bring in more fresh troops. Maybe people and our military service personnel would still be alive.
- Apparently President Joe Biden kept to the terms of the Terrorists.